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Oliver and the Pool

90min   |   Mexico  |  by Arcadi Palerm 

In Collaboration with | 102 Distribution 


Oliver – a 13 years old single child – arrives home from the crematory and sits in the chaise long next to the pool, holding his father ashes. In that chaise long Oliver will learn to forgive (him, and others), recover his will for pursuing happiness, and even fell in love.

Original Title |  Oliverio y la piscina 

Directed by | Arcadi Palerm

Cast | Alejandro Arean, Mónica Huarte, Jorge Zarate, Jacobo Lieberman, César Troncoso

Screenplay | Arcadi Palerm 

Production | KI VISUAL, 102 Distribution 
In Collaboration with | 102 Distribution 

Country | Mexico

Year  | 2021

Genre | Drama, Coming of Age

Film run | 90'

Format  Colour

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